Friday, May 9, 2008

All is Jerry

I'm so happy I dropped by nbbbs today.

1. Jerry advertises for 7-11

2. Jerry's really shooting his next project (MY DREAM SINCE I BECAME HIS FAN... a follow-up project!)
3. Hotshots is going to be aired on Channel 2... but I'm not so happy about it because they're promoting Wu Chun not Jerry Yan.
4. Lin Zhi Ling wants public attention so she's putting her name alongside Jerry again. (Never mind... I'm immuned, whether true or not, as long as they're shiawase~)
I miss my LJ :(


Unknown said...

Hi.., thanks for all the articles about Jerry Yan. I super love him.. I just want to ask u some questions, hoping to get a response from you as soon as u can.
1. Is there any time Jerry fall for Barbie? Why and why not?

2. Who is his girlfriend now or rumoured gf if any?

Thanks much to u. I salute u for yr dedication, passion and hardwork in putting up such a sight and well of course ur very own version of jerry and barbie love story. I am hoping thats what happened.. Sigh:(

Unknown said...


Yanaliao said...

Whatever it was that happened, it's based on the articles I read. I have nothing against Barbie before, but after what she did to Jerry, I'm over it now but it should have left a scar on many Jerry Yan fans. Excluding those who refuse to believe that it ever happened. Anyway, they're in good terms now, so no worries. Stay happy! Everything is just show business! :)