Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Missing Piece in Jay Chou's Concert DVD-- 可愛女人

I don't know if I'll ever get over this clip. It wasn't included in the DVD, I don't know why, but when I knew that he sang this song, I said: "Jackpot!". This song was never included in any of his concert except this one. Then for some other reason we don't know of, possibly copyrights and stuff, they sacrificed not showing this clip in place of "The Jolin Dance". ugh.

Anyway, enjoy this clip, you'll see this regularly re-posted whenever I feel like it.
菲律賓 banner is at 2:44-2:56.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

3 Bestmen :)

Pic taken from Wilber Pan's weibo

Pic taken from Leehom's Weibo

What a treat to have these guys as Bestman! Hell I'll just invite Jay Chou as the host of my reception and I'm good to go!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I sure am BAACCKK!!!

Reviving my blogspot account.
I've decided to revive my blogspot account since I felt that LJ is not too noisy as it used to be. I'm here to make new friends, new inspirations and of course I need a space to post my fangirling moments with.

For the next few days, I shall be transferring my most memorable fangirl experiences for the past few years, in hope that we fangirls should realize there's more to than just handshakes, hugs and pictures.

I'm yanaliao and this will be my blog from this day forth. :)